Sunday, March 4, 2012


heads up!
time to wake up
what's up?
it came up...
this is up to you
hey. speak up!
call you up
warm up
stir up some trouble!
I'm mixed up...
take up space
time's up
crack up

look up

in conference last October, Carl B. Cook of the Seventy spoke about the concept of looking up! he told a story about how one day, as he was leaving the church office building, his burdens felt especially heavy. he studied the floor as he traveled down on the elevator. stopping on the way down, someone joined him, also leaving the building. asking Elder Cook what could be so interesting on the floor, he recognized the voice of the prophet. so naturally, he looked up and tried to lighten his countenance. but the prophet, of course, had noticed his gloominess. he smiled at Elder Cook and remarked, pointing heavenward,

"It is better to look up!"

between last October and now, I have probably heard reference to this talk five or six times. and each time, I make a resolution to direct my gaze toward heaven. and may I tell you... I have tried it. this works, every time.

somehow, lifting my head and taking in a new breath just invigorates me. when I'm outside, I can see the tops of the mountains and the clouds in the sky. this reminds me of the love my Heavenly
 Father has for me, and for each person I associate with. every day is a beautiful one. and as you look up, greet it and thank your Father for blessing you. remember how much love He has. and enjoy it.

be thankful for each day.
and remember, "it is better to look up!"


  1. Haha no way. This was my lesson in Relief Society last week :) I actually have a post I was going to publish. Bear with me on it if I ever finish it!

  2. oh I'd be nothing but delighted to read about what you thought about it.
    see? it keeps cropping up. I'm serious... It must be for a reason, right? (:
