Sunday, June 24, 2012


do you know how many children God has?

neither do I.
I read one speculation that over 100,000,000,000 people have lived on earth. and who's to say how much longer this earth will continue to be the homes of mortals, gaining their first estate.

that's a lot of kids.

but you know, somehow, He has unconditional love for each and every one. no matter where we live, what we do, or who we are. He loves us. isn't that great to know? I'm no exception. even as one of about seven billion people alive right now, I know He loves me. and everybody else too. He loves you. the way you spend your time with your brother. or the plans you have to make the world a better place. He smiles when you do something good for someone else, and reaches out His hand to lift you when you mess up. He is proud of the things you've accomplished, and He hopes you'll go to Him when you want to do even more.

so why does it get so difficult to accept the small slice of His children he sends for me to meet? sometimes, I meet people who are different than me and it's hard to see beyond those boundaries despite the truth that what really matters is that we're both children of the Most High. isn't that what matters? and everybody is going to be unique because we're specially created to be individual. if not so the world would be awfully boring and no one would ever learn anything new. and if all we ever did was spend time with people who look and act just like us, how could we learn about ourselves? 

every experience with someone new is valuable because they have something to teach me. I can't afford to waste those opportunities by shutting my eyes and turning around when I am asked to poke my head out of my comfort zone. because what really matters is that we're all His kids. 

Friday, June 8, 2012


hearts are like brand new blobs of play-do.
I started with a very nice shade and it suited me quite well. some days it grows bigger and softer. other days it dries out a little. I try to take good care of it, though. and always put the lid back on, so my heart stays mold-able and smooth.

and sometimes, an opportunity comes to exchange a piece with someone else. and our shades compliment each other! and I can hold onto that soft piece or even fold it right in with my own. and the colors swirl together, and suddenly! joy of joys. my heart becomes a new color and a little bit of someone else becomes a part of me.

every once in a while, someone steals a piece of my heart. and that squishy mold-able piece is hardly mine anymore. it's yours.

but more often, I find myself breaking off a soft corner of my play-do and handing it over. sometimes I'll go months and months (perhaps even years...) not even remembering where I left that piece. and then, I'll come across it and, oh! you have my heart with you. you didn't even know it! I secretly slipped that soft piece into a pocket right next to yours and you--completely unaware. yet all this time, you've kept it warm. oh. how, nice.

and I don't want it back. I want you to pick it up and see it and know who it belongs to. and keep it. what would I do with it? my shade of play-do is quite different then it was the summer of my sophomore year. and so is yours; I can see it. but I think our colors would be nice together and so you should keep it. what would I do with it anyway?

Friday, June 1, 2012


am I allowed to just post a picture or two?
I think yes.

happy June

Thursday, May 24, 2012

otter pops

such a sweet little thing. not even a big deal.
frozen water and high fructose corn syrup.

so far this summer I've eaten one EVERY DAY

I think the reason I love them is that when I eat one, I eat it out in the sunshine.
warm, energizing sunshine!

and even though the rest of my summer seems monotonous... at least that otter pop tastes good as the sun warms up my hair
so I'll soak it up. every ray.
I plan to take it with me for the long winter. even though at times, this time of summer seems like winter. it's not, Megan.  I have to remind myself. it's May. and smiles ought to abound. a few cirrus clouds are ok. but overcast? every day? less than ok. I don't need all those cumulonimbus clouds in my summer time.

so I think I'm going to buy a cloud vacuum.
(do they make those?)
because I don't think my soul can survive this many clouds. suffocation would not be ideal since I still have places to be and people to see. right? I do right?

maybe I will go ride my bike.
with an otter pop and a cloud vacuum.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I know. memes aren't exactly classy, or even original, for that matter. but this explains exactly how I feel about leaving USU for nearly four (4) months. 
it will be approximately 100 days or 2400 hours.

that's a long time.

sigh. well. so what, right? work your butt off and just have a sweet summer time! 

oh yeah. except that one important bit
summer time = best friends. 
mejores amigos. 
besten freunden. 
meilleurs amis.

awwh. I miss them already. they're the ones that bring sunshine to my life and keep me going. they know when I need a hug. when the going gets rough they are always right there. I always know who to laugh with. the most beautiful of people adorn my days with bright eyes and cheerful smiles.

everytime someone from home asks, "how was college?" 
I can always answer, "I met some of my best friends
Wonderful people; all of them."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I wrote about it once already... but my world is filled with love! how can I not express my feelings on the subject?
sometimes, I think I know what love is.
I see my little brother and how glad he is to have me home and I know I love him.
my mom hugs me tight before I leave for school again. I know she loves me.
my best friend gives me a ride and I don't want to get out of the car. I certainly love her.
a mother cradles her baby. that's the deepest love I think I've seen on earth.
my Father in Heaven blesses me daily even when I feel I don't deserve it.
He loves me the most.
He loves unconditionally.
for eternity.

this weekend, I glimpsed that eternity in someone else's eyes.
sealed for eternity, the happy couple couldn't have been happier!
although I was not able to attend the ceremony, the Spirit was so strong among those who had attended. 
she was beautiful.
he was handsome as ever.
and they were filled with love.

the most eternal, deep, pure love
everyone smiled all day long and I couldn't help but be so happy for them!
they deserve every blessing.

how thankful I was to catch a glance of that beauty.
there is nothing more beautiful than being dedicated to the one you love and to the Lord.
through this union, blessings from heaven cannot be held back!
Congratulations, you two love birds.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


heads up!
time to wake up
what's up?
it came up...
this is up to you
hey. speak up!
call you up
warm up
stir up some trouble!
I'm mixed up...
take up space
time's up
crack up

look up

in conference last October, Carl B. Cook of the Seventy spoke about the concept of looking up! he told a story about how one day, as he was leaving the church office building, his burdens felt especially heavy. he studied the floor as he traveled down on the elevator. stopping on the way down, someone joined him, also leaving the building. asking Elder Cook what could be so interesting on the floor, he recognized the voice of the prophet. so naturally, he looked up and tried to lighten his countenance. but the prophet, of course, had noticed his gloominess. he smiled at Elder Cook and remarked, pointing heavenward,

"It is better to look up!"

between last October and now, I have probably heard reference to this talk five or six times. and each time, I make a resolution to direct my gaze toward heaven. and may I tell you... I have tried it. this works, every time.

somehow, lifting my head and taking in a new breath just invigorates me. when I'm outside, I can see the tops of the mountains and the clouds in the sky. this reminds me of the love my Heavenly
 Father has for me, and for each person I associate with. every day is a beautiful one. and as you look up, greet it and thank your Father for blessing you. remember how much love He has. and enjoy it.

be thankful for each day.
and remember, "it is better to look up!"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

dreams that can come true

do you realize how many ads I've seen for Disneyland in the last few days doing research? 
about a million. 
guess how many times they make me smile...
about a million and a half.

I think most people figure I just talk about it like it's another nice vacation.
what they don't understand is that my heart is here! 
honestly. this really is one of the happiest places on earth, for me.
I am at least 72 times happier when I'm in Disneyland
and it's not that I can't be happy without it!
oh, no. not at all.
but I do love being there.
and I miss it. ever so much, right now.

but don't you worry.
I have this piggy.
he's fabulous.
and he's very good at holding loose change.
I give him all my coins
and someday? we're going.
we'll go to Disneyland and it will be spectacular and glorious.

because I'm not Snow White. I don' just wish down a well.
(ok so I do my fair share of wishing)
but I know. I understand.
"work will win when wishy washy wishing won't"
this is true!
if you want something, you gotta work for it. 
so that's what I'm doing.

just you wait. (:
here I come, Main Street USA.
light up those lights because I'm on my way.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


you be the scallywag and I'll be the captain...
and pretend I had a map and a parrot called Prattle.
and pretend you wanted to know what the treasure was
and I wouldn't tell you.
oh and we have to say "yarr!" alot.

[there is something to be said about the ability to imagine. (: mmhmmm. who needs to be in childhood to fantasize?]
not me.

pretend I am all grown up and I have to do hard stuff.
and pretend you were my best friend.
and we had to figure stuff out. 
and it wasn't always as good as we wanted.
but pretend that we had a lot of faith, trust 
(and even a little pixie dust)
so we kept going!
and every day would be an adventure.
you & me, we don't know the answers.
but it's ok, because we know that no matter what,
life is good.
and we're super lucky to be living a good life.

and we loved the adventures.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes,
for the present time,
the design of your God concerning those things
which shall come hereafter,
and the glory which shall follow
after much tribulation"
--Doctrine & Covenants 58:3
"Trust in the Lord
with all thine heart
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him
and He shall direct thy paths."
--Proverbs 3:5-6
"Seek not to counsel the Lord...
[You] know that He counseleth
in wisdom and in justice and in great mercy..."
--Jacob 4:9-10

it all sounds so straightforward and easy.

just trust the Lord.
remember that Heavenly Father knows best.
align your will with His.
God loves you and wants to bless you.

sure, I know this. I do. I can say from experience that all this is true. our Father really does know us personally and He sees things we cannot. His perspective is infinitely more expansive. He would never direct us to paths contrary to the ultimate reward we seek. as His child, His work and His glory is to bring me back to live with Him. He wishes me to have joy in this life.

so why would it have to be so hard?

that's where trust comes in. sometimes we can only see so far down the path. I love to see my steps, but how much improved can my journey be if I let Him lead me? it is unbelievably difficult to hand over my life. I would so much like to tell the Lord, "looky here. this is what I like and I think it's pretty dynamite. don't you think you can work that into your eternal scheme? I'm happy right now. promise." I know what happy is, don't I? I can tell when I'm enjoying life. but sometimes...there must be an alternate happiness. because I cannot always have what I want.

it's hard. and initially I really really don't have any desire to yield. but deep down...I know that I can't be happy without choosing His way. He knows me better, and he can see my whole journey: start to finish.

so I'm going to have to trust. it might be bumpy. it might tear my heart in two pieces. but I know. I know that He knows.
and I have to trust.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


for who, being loved, is poor?
-Oscar Wilde

So many people in this beautiful world fill me with gratitude and love! 
and I can hardly feel poor or lonely.

Katie is always there to talk to and snuggle with.
Carson never fails to make me smile and feel important.
♥ My momma give me confidence that I can succeed.
♥ Jared calls me for help on a project.
♥ My dad reminds me that he loves me just when I need it.
♥ Kaylee and Celicia work together with me.
♥ Jonathon gives the most fantastic hugs.
♥ CJ reminds me chivalry still exists.
♥ Melinda creates and shares beauty.
♥ James Morrison fills my room with music.
♥ Jess remains my best friend, time and time again.
♥ Amber prompts me to think deeper about life.
oh. and of course.
The Savior died for me and continues to guide my life in His paths. He knows it's hard for me. He understands my confusion and my hesitance to do difficult things. All the same, He knows best and if I have the courage to do what I know I must, He will bless me. I love to see my path, but it's best to let Him lead me on. Taking faith, only success can be the result.

so life is sweet. it's good. and I'm blessed, so very blessed!
and I'm glad we have a whole day, twenty four hours to recognize and express love. ♥
happy valentine's day, people.